


想起有一年寒假在郑州转车, 在露天广场上呆了一晚, 进站的时候铁路警察用皮带维持次序, 检票的时候手里拿的是浑水摸鱼的站台票, 上车的时候很多人是从车窗进去的,上了车, 对面坐的是从江苏采茶回甘肃的老年妇女, 她面前有一瓶矿泉水或纯净水, 喝了一口说, “怎么和水一样?” 她的手, 满是黑色的裂纹。

每次看那么长队买火车票, 就觉得离家近真好, 出门远的人真可怜。有提议说要实名制。
每次看到家前面的公交车那么空,人们走上去那么从容闲定,和上海人挤地铁那样威猛焦虑的场面相比, 就觉得作个上海人, 实在是需要一些战斗力的。

ps.今天下雪了,接在手上, 很大的一朵朵。祝愿瑞雪兆丰年


发现有些词只是知道个大概, 并不知道它的具体意思。有时候这让人比较尴尬。


本来自以为古文功底不错了, 昨日看见BAIDU一个人把一个小女子罗里罗嗦的自我介绍改成行云流水的古文, 自叹不如。
更为仰慕的是, 今天查了一下, 此人年方25。真是后生可谓。 我以为至少52呢。
那篇东西没找到, 日后找来补上


说是美国股市, 一年的涨幅就这两天全回去了。
中国股市也差不离, 3/4跌停。




外婆爱猫, 家中有各色花猫。
J女士爱猫, 能把猫顶在头上。
YL的姑姑爱猫, 可以坐着公交车去给野猫送饭。仰慕。


先前听YL讲一家3口和她PP住30几平方, 想象了一下, 就觉得自己不能够;
人物访谈讲参加过远东军事法庭审判日军罪犯的法官或律师向先生, 几十年来在上海一直和家人住20几平方, 怀顾我的房间, 估算它的面积,觉得不能想象。

对于物质的需求, 真的会受时间和地域的影响么?
饶我自认为是这么不注重物质, 这么能吃苦耐劳的人, 也已经被潜移默化


无他, 唯手熟尔。
发现不仅手生, 胆怯, 视力也是个问题。



雨夜, 路面各色灯光粼粼, 遇红灯。
前面一黑车下来一白衣男子, 打开后备, 猜他要取出什么来?
只见他十分手熟, 卸了车牌望里一扔。
而后待路口绿灯亮起, 就穿梭绝尘而去。
农历12月的鱼, 依旧下得冰冷。



注: 已婚。




x同学说, 介绍不息。
还有x同学说, 跟风不息。

腊八,前天晚上据说下雪了,吃好, 穿暖。
腊八粥, 看上去很好吃, 看到杭州北京人排队去领免费的粥, 觉得很有电影感,



The Shawshank Redemption

本来觉得自己已经有能力鉴别故事的真伪, 但是看完这本书,一开始 还是有点怀疑这是这本书作者真实的经历, 后来看到是斯蒂芬 金 (Stephen King) 写的, 因为知道他也写过其他的书, 很是佩服他这样的作家, 一定花了很多工夫去采访和体验, 不象现在有些流行小说, 完全没有生活基础。

我是先看的电影, 电影很好看, 不过我觉得书更好看, 因为有些东西画面说不出来, 电影里加了一段ANDY 放歌剧的, 加得不错; 电影还把ANDY的钱归于来自监狱长, 可能是为了制造高潮和戏剧性吧。

那段写ANDY失去镇定, 觉得很到位。


学费是很贵啊, 生活费也不菲, 还有女人都喜欢漂亮衣服和亮晶晶的首饰啊, 可是也没必要把自己给卖了。心疼父母, 可以先借贷啊, 借贷不成先休学赚钱啊。

想起在酒店工作的 JJ 讲笑话说起女大学生从XX过来, 要求坐高级轿车。人都卖了, 还讲什么车呀
想起知道我来自哪里后, 那个卖衣服的老板娘马上说你们那里酒店的小姐是不是哪里过来的,很有名的
想起 XX 说被客户招待, 碰到的卖身小姐是在学校食堂碰到过的学生

这样读了大学, 又有什么意思呢?




红烧鳗鱼, 红烧带鱼, 红烧小扁鱼, 红烧肉


有人讲看到数学公式崩溃, 我现在看那么多代码也有这个感觉。 程序员真可怜。


近来为门口和楼梯里的涂鸦文化烦恼, 搞得象港片里追债的, 各路人等出马做各色广告, 不仅推销产品, 服务, 还有推销人的, 还有人写下心情故事, 当然不是看了让人心情舒畅的那种。
其中有2家保洁公司, 互相PK, 两家都用的红的印章拓电话号码, 8个数字排下来也有一个多手掌长。大概后一家是仿效前一家的, 后来其中一类电话号码的最后一个数字就被墨汁涂掉了, 又后来, 其中一类的电话号码被白漆还是石灰刷白了。


经W同学的介绍, 去参观体验了一下金宝贝早教中心, 对早教很感兴趣。 开始的时候也认同只要找些能说英语的人来, 摆摆噱头就可以了, 后来对上海和宁波的早教和幼育机构作了一下调查, 发现两地早已经有各类早教机构了, 宁波的月嫂和外婆培训也很有特色。 看起来简单, 觉得要作好, 事情不是那么简单的。 正所谓厚机薄发, 人家用英语说话只是一个表达方式而已。

对此有兴趣, 是因为, 喜欢孩子, 喜欢和孩子玩, 喜欢教育, 喜欢玩具, 喜欢小孩子看问题的角度。




To have someone join my family.

as always, I'm not a good talker in this area...so here it goes.
well, here are some words about myself and my thoughts of family and some explanation of the ideal...

1. everyone has his own life style and opinion to the family, I can understand and respect most of them. life is so short and already not easy, as for me, my preferred style is that I can be myself, no cheating, no pretending, no stretching, this is also my wish to others in my family.
here is what I'm like:
a) (it'll be better to draw a comic of this to make the physical spec description more fun than product-alike)
I'm not young, neither am I very old.
I'm not fat, neither am I so skinny as looked.
I'm a little tall, yet not tall enough to be a professional model.
I'm single, live alone, no history of marriage...
I'm not pretty, maybe many years ago some words made me feel so, now I did not think so

b) I'm healthy with healthy preferrence and fondness:
- prefer normal, simple, comfortable and preserved ones. no band preferrence.
- prefer trousers than skirts. at the most only once a month with skirts on. Because it's not convenient or safe.

- like all of the normal foods. dislike abnormal foods.
- prefer seafood than pork. I love fishes, shells, crabs.
- prefer rice than noodle.
- prefer meals than snacks
- prefer homemade than restaurant provided
- fresh fruit.

- prefer mate than place.

- hiking, travelling, walking, bike riding

others ( just fond of , not good at)
- sports
- book, music, opera, movie, handwrting, painting
fond of science fiction, real life story. fond of classical music, country songs with slow rhythm.
- trees, and flowers, planting
- always glad to know and learn new things,
including electric, metal or wood model creating, furniture creating
- love children. can only accept pets like fish, bird which will not move in the room by themself, no cats, no dogs.
- I like good looking outside, but like more inside

c) I'm independent, can make living on myself, not rich though. here is the scene I imagined to interpret my point.
if there's only two options for me when I did not have one cent:
1) go to carry the heavy packages as a physical labor to get the little money cent by cent.
2) get a big number of money from a man out of the family just because I'm a woman, offered or gotten by begging.
my choice would be definitely #1, option #2 is even an insultation.

d) I'm kind-hearted, which is inherited from my parents.
e) I'm responsible and reliable.
f) my weakness
- I'm timid, which is caused by I'm too thoughtful. It's not caused by fear of the dark, or fear of the power, so I'm not threatenable.
- EQ ---> 0
- other.....

2. regarding the family, I'm from a very traditional family and have no thoughts to change the meaning of the family. Therefore, family need to be a place: comfortable, natural, warm, easy, safe, happy, can be depended on, can provide strength, be thought of with smile-----this is my expectation, also I will do from my side with all effort to make this true.

3. he
1) he is natural. since I can understand accept fault, but can't accept fake,
2) he can be respected by me. since from my opinion respect is an important base of the close relationship.
a)he is kind-hearted.
b)he loves or likes something other than the money, no needs to be strong, just the capability to love or like the life itself, not focus all on the work. otherwise it would be too boring. Living need money but we did not live all on money, It's better he has a healthy life style or preferrence.
Following fondness are excluded:
- power, since the way is endless and no fun.
- gamble
- others harmful to the health
c) he can understand and respect others.

3) he needs to be faithful. no doubt I will be, and I can't accept the third party of the marriage absolutly, it will directly result to the divorce, which will split more than half capital. so if he think he is hesitate in this side, don't waste time, treasure his treasure.

4) his physical spec...
tall and strong is ideal, however, it is not very criticle.

5) his age
elder, but not too old.

6) his personal status.
single, no marriage history.

7) he is responsible. he will not escape away or withdraw when his response is need.

8) others:
a) It's better he is gentle and polite, but not wordy.
b) he has a sense of humor. This make the expression and life easier.
d) It's bettter he is always happy, at least he is not always blue.
e) he is not necessary to be rich or powerful.






TT说比起他同学的草书来, 他的隶书实在太难看了。
没有字帖, 有本书的编排正好把标题弄成了隶书, 就照着练了一张, 发现隶书比楷书好些多了, 飘压飘呀的,象练太极,就是竖太细, 有点不习惯。


如果说有哪个歌手的歌特别不喜欢的, 就是韩红的了, 主要是不喜欢她的声音。但是今天看完超级访谈, 看到她说道她奶奶落泪, 觉得这人还不赖。李静的节目都满好看的。